This game, featuring cute, odd, and maybe we should just say weird aliens, strengthens your pattern matching, reaction time and short term memory.
Watch out for the subtle variations among aliens of the same type. And be extra careful when there is a UFO around, as there is a penalty if you touch one by mistake.
The first five levels are free. If you really enjoy the game, please consider upgrading it with an in-app purchase, getting you 25 more levels!
Planet Earth can’t hold out much longer in the face of the alien onslaught. It’s up to you to save us.
Yet another original game concept developed in our secret game laboratories in Vancouver, BC, Canada.
Let's Play Strange Invaders
Tap on the flying alien that matches the alien at the bottom of the screen while it is visible. Avoid touching wrong aliens, as that results in a penalty of 10 points. UFOs are even more perilous at minus 30 points. Between levels, there is a mini-game for more bonus points, because who doesn’t like mini-games?!
Go, Team Earth! Try to set the high score, and save the world from the comfort of your armchair. You got this, Supreme Commander, Planet Earth!
Rich gameplay
Free: 5 levels
In-app purchase: 25 more levels
Aliens: 180
Easy and fun
Just 100 seconds per level
Exciting arcade action
Mini games
Background music, sound effects
Tips and Strategy
Are aliens carbon-based life forms? This game won’t help you answer that question, but what it will do is send wave upon wave of alien beings intent on destroying you and your planet. Your only hope of saving the earth may very well lie in the valuable tips presented here.
One important winning strategy is to become familiar with the subtle variations among aliens that appear to be of the same type. For example, in one variation, the arms may be of a different color than other aliens of that type. Being able to spot the differences goes a long way to forever vanquishing your foe!
With dozens of aliens in different colors swarming about with their genetic mutants, you’d better believe this is one insane game. One tip is to identify your target, then follow it as it moves, with your index finger. Once it slows down, you can press it more easily.
There is an alarm in the form of a flashing light, just prior to the arrival of a UFO. You may want to sit out the action while a UFO is on the screen, as touching them results in a penalty, deducted from your score. Besides, who knows where that saucer has been, am I right?

Meet some of
the aliens

Purple Cybersentry
Absolutely humorless except on Fridays
It is extremely difficult to get past one of these sentries, especially at intergalactic roadblocks. Armed with three beam emitters–heat ray, immobilizer pulse and taser–these dangerous aliens are not to be messed with. However, the orange ones are kinda cute…or so say their mothers.

Giant Yellow Toothslime
Beware that smile--it smiles before it attacks
Often dismissed or ignored, these aliens are much more dangerous than your average spacefarer realizes. For example, they have the ability to melt into a gooey, sticky mess, blanketing their enemies and suffocating them, before returning to their typical form. For some reason, they usually are seen in the company of their pet capybaras.

Blue Lyre Bird
Music is her secret weapon
The hypnotic voice of the Blue Lyre Bird lulls you to sleep in just five seconds, after which the bird swallows you whole and takes two weeks to digest you. It tends to run fast, looking back now and then to taunt its victims. Green Toothslimes find the eggs of the Blue Lyre Bird delicious.

Pink Dancer
Far and away the most dangerous among the aliens
All dancer aliens are to be avoided–it’s common sense as they are skillful killers, with a particular appetite for humans. However, the pink dancers are particularly dangerous, as they are easily irritated, and have bad breath.